Friday 2 December 2011

Throw your hands in the air!

I saw this video for the first time today. I was flooded with emotions and of course for me that means lots of tears. It brought me back to the day after the most difficult day of my life. I had entered to run in the Run Wild Leading Edge 10 km race. My boss suggested that I enter it. I thought "A 10K...ya right, I had only run one 5 km race almost a year prior" His reponse to me was "You have 5 months" O.K.....I called my best friend Drina and told her we were doing this. She's run lots of 10 km races. When she agreed I actually got excited and looked forward to this life challenge. I ran on my treadmill almost every day and then when the weather got warmer Drina and I ran outside. The Sunday before the run we ran the route in St Albert for practice and we both did really well! I was actually amazed at how good I felt. I was ready....just had to wait for Sunday May 15th. The day before the run was the day that Kari passed away...I thought about not going in the race but then I thought about how hard I had trained for it and how I had to run it for Kari. Sunday morning came and I know I was still in shock but ready. Drina and I started out together and then about half way through we seperated..... it was almost an unspoken "go ahead what you have to do". The rest of the run was me talking to Kari asking her to help me. I said "O.K Kari I helped you now you are going to help me".....There was a moment when I stopped, almost without even being aware of doing it as I thought I couldn't carry on but it was the love I felt inside for Kari that carried me through. I got to the last kilometer and have never experienced anything like it. There were people lined up on both sides clapping and cheering and saying "you can do it!"....they didn't know me......but they were encouraging and loving. I was so overwhelmed! I lost it the last few strides for so many reasons. I had just accomplished something I never thought I could ever do.... there was a time when I couldn't even run a block. I saw my husband Tony and our son Anthony waiting for me at the finish line!! but most of all I had let Kari's love carry me on when I could have very easily backed out. I will be running in it next year again and I will ask Kari to help me again!
The next time you want to throw your hands up and give up...go ahead and throw them up but ask for the love to carry you through...