Thursday 17 November 2011

The Power of Love!

It was this time last year that I had decided I would try yoga. I am naturally very Zen like but I thought it would help to keep myself centered. Kari was staying with us and we would talk for hours every night....I enjoyed our conversations. Even though it feels good to help others, it can drain the energy supply a bit....
  I bought a DVD and set out to give it a try. There was a TV in Anthony's bedroom so I cleared an area to  put down my yoga mat, changed into workout clothes and hit the pay button. I did the warm up and was getting into the routine when Anthony came in and took a look at the girls on the DVD and said to me " have to take your shirt off!".....of course the girls on the DVD had the little exercise bra tops while I had that but with a t-shirt over top!......I get little man to go and spend some time with Daddy so that I can finish my routine...I do a few more moves and then I hear the door open runs Kari..she jumps on Anthony's bed...she was excited to talk about her day. I listened for a bit and then I looked at her and said "Kari.....I love you...but this is Yoga...we don't chat through Yoga..we'll talk later O.K" She smiled that big beautiful smile and left me to my Yoga. It's been a while since I have hit that play button but maybe it's time to bring it back.....

A Chakra is one of the seven centres of spiritual energy in the human body. I researched the 4th Chakra and this is what I found:

The 4th Chakra is the central power house of the human energy system. The middle chakra, it mediates between the body and spirit and determines their health and strength. This chakra embodies the spiritual lesson that teaches us how to act out of love and compassion and recognise that the most powerful energy we have is love!  ~Love is Divine Power~ Our own hearts are designed to express beauty, compassion, forgiveness and love. More than any other chakra, the fourth represents our capacity to ~Let Go and Let ~God~ With it's energy we accept our personal emotional challenges as extensions of a divine plan. Once we let go of the pain and stop questioning, we can reach tranquility.  In order to achieve inner peace we have to embrace the healing energy of forgiveness.

Primary Strengths of the 4th Chakra: Love, forgiveness, compassion, dedication, inspiration, hope, trust, and the ability to heal oneself and others.

We are not born fluent in love but spend our life learning about it. It's energy is pure power. We are as attracted to love as we are intimidated by it. We are motivated by love, controlled by it, inspired by it, healed by it and destroyed by it. Love is the fuel of our physical and spiritual bodies. Each of life's challenges is a lesson in some aspect of love.

Sounds simple! yet can be so complicated. Our spirits are precious parts of our being......

Close your eyes and escape for a few minutes....all I can say is WOW!

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