Sunday 29 January 2012

Love Everyday

It's moving to see how one small act of kindness really touches people so deeply. There is no greater feeling than to be loved. We are loved by our spouses, our parents, our children and our friends. Would we say that we are loved by strangers? Why shouldn't we......It shouldn't matter if we know someone or not we should feel love for that person as a human another spirit here on earth. We have all come from the same place and one day we will all be together again in a different place.  I believe that an even greater gift which brings infinite joy is the ability to love another is is a is sharing and love is as simple as an act of kindness...pretty simple in my mind.

The other day when I was walking to work I got to an intersection dowtown and heard a "Good morning"...I looked and it was a young man...I said good morning back...he proceeded to say that he had been trying to sell his "stuff" for hours and was I interested in purchasing a sub woofer! Hmmmmm....I replied "I'm not in the market for a sub woofer this morning"... : ) he said "What about a bike?"....the bike was a frame..."If you have a little one this could be a good start...all you would need to do is buy tires, a seat, handle bars..."Again I replied..."Sorry don't need a bike frame". Reading this I'm sure you would come to the same conclusion that I did about the "stuff" but you know what...I think all he really was looking for that morning was to have a conversation. It doesn't always need to be a conversation, sometimes just a "hello" or a smile to someone you don't know is what really could make their day. The little acts don't cost anything and everyone gets to feel good...that's what it's all about.....I hope that everyone can share a little act of kindness whenever an opportunity presents itself.

I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.
~ Stephen Grellet

Piglet: Winnie how do you spell love?
Winnie: You don't spell love Piglet, you feel it.

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