Sunday 25 March 2012


A very good friend of mine had been talking recently about a book that she was reading called the "Happiness Project". It sounded like she was really enjoying it. I hadn't thought much about it until I spent yesterday afternoon with this same friend. We walked into Chapter's and she said "I am buying this book for you". I replied by saying "Well I could just borrow yours when you are done". She would have nothing to do with that and proceeded to buy me a copy. The only thing she said about it after was "Promise me you will read the first chapter...January". I took it home where I was alone for a couple of hours (this is a rare occurrance)...sat on the couch in the sunshine and opened the book. I did read January....February and March! I am hooked. The book enables you to take a look at your own life and find ways that can bring more happiness to it. Most of us are generally happy people. I am for the most part but after reading a few chapters I realize that there are ways that I can change the way I behave and react to the people close to me which can only result in happiness and inner peace. I am grateful for my friends, family and the life that has been given to me. I am the only one that is in complete charge of how happy I am and I look forward to learning and growing and seeing what my Happiness Project will bring. I would recommend this book to anyone........Happy reading!!!

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