Sunday 4 March 2012

I have been truly blessed to have wonderful people in my life. For the past couple of months I have been walking at lunch time with 2 of my work collegues. We have formed a really nice relationship, alot of which revolves around great conversations exploring spirituality. I am not a religious person but can say that I am spiritual. I believe there is more to life than we can possibly know and I trust that we will all find out one day. One conversation revolved around Anthony and I had said that I am so excited every day when I drive to pick him up after work.... I can't wait to see him and ask him about his day. I was told that this is the way God feels when he sees us. We are his children and he has plans for us. That one little sentence meant so much and really put so much into perspective. It sounds so simple and so easy to understand. When you think about it, it truly is. We are lent to earth to learn, explore and discover and then one day return to where we came from. If you think about your own child being given to someone else for a while and then the overwhelming joy you would have when they were returned! When people pass away you almost always here "They were called home"......We don't understand why some are called sooner than others but I do believe that we will  all see each other again. Each day that goes by means it is one day closer to seeing them again.....

One of Kari's favorite songs...I can hear her singing it to Jayda  while they flutter in the heavenly breeze. Spread your wings and fly pretty butterflies!


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