Monday 27 February 2012

Share the Love

There are many things in my life that remind me of Kari....the "Auntie Angel Pin" Kari gave me that I keep pinned to the zipper in my purse... I see it every day and I think of Kari every day. Perfume, bracelets, a plant to name only a few. Kari had a spider plant which her mother Charlene, my sister, took home and is nuturing. Everytime it produces new shoots she clips them and gives them to people she loves. I got to take home 2, one for me and one for Anthony. The other day I found the perfect pot for them and I have them sitting on my kitchen table....I will also share the love when my plant is mature enough to sprout.  

The smallest of things or the simplest, happiest moments shared are the ones that carry the most weight in the memories department. Kari isn't with us in body but I know she is here in spirit....I am learning to open up my heart so that I am tuned in to the moments when she may "come by". 

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