Tuesday 21 August 2012

Amazing inspiration


I follow this blog on my Facebook and today I read this story which made me cry. The words that flowed enabling the story to be told exactly the way that it needed to be were extremely touching. 

I recently wrote about how I wasn't sure what to write.....This story came at the precise moment that I needed it to...it made me realize that I don't need to think so much about what I feel that I should write. I need to write from my heart and let my fingers form the words on the keypad. I have thoughts and experiences and inspirations that I would love to share.....I need to stop thinking "Well what if it's not interesting and what if nobody reads it" I need to undo the ties that hold me down and feel free to go forward with whatever it is that I enjoy doing at the time. I love the jewelry making, I love to take pictures, and I love to research new crafts. It's time now to go for it...put myself out there...take a risk and let go.

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