Wednesday 24 October 2012

Blue Jade Saturday

On the weekend I had 3 hours to myself while my son attended a friends birthday party. This meant lots of time could be spent at Michaels and better yet...they were having a great sale on beads! I was able to take my time and let the creative energy take me in the direction of the day. 

These are a few of the pieces I came up with that afternoon : )

I also got supplies to start on my special butterfly craft......

Thursday 18 October 2012

Pretty butterflies

Today was one of those days where everything had a "glitch" yet one of those days where it all worked out....for that I say "thank you".....

I needed to get to my peaceful place so I took out my jewelry cart..wheeled it to the dining room and got into my zone. I channeled everything I saw in the cart and came up with a couple of pieces.

This one is a glass locket that I inserted a couple of pretty pink butterflies...with bling of course : )

Pretty butterfly

reverse side

and another.....

Feathers were everywhere today.....thank you precious angels!

Monday 15 October 2012


I was watching The Voice tonite and Rob Thomas, who is one of the coaches, was explaining how a great song is one that takes you somewhere. This song takes me to the place in my heart that longs for all things wonderful!

 My Libra self is constantly leveling the scales.....a little bit for you...a little bit for you and a little bit for you. It's my nature to care deeply for all the people in my life and to make sure that they are O.K. but lately I feel like my light has dulled. Don't get me wrong...I would do anything for anyone but I know that I need to take care of my precious spirit and let my light shine to it's greatest potential.

I love to read quotes and to read and learn about life and have developed a desire to understand the spiritual side of me. I did have a "lightbulb" moment the other day.....I post quotes thinking I am doing it to share with others but I believe that I do it to convince myself.

There is so much bad and we are constantly reminded of it through media, the actions of the people around us and even through our own eyes. Our eyes are the windows to the soul and it is really easy to let the bad seep into your core and get you down.

My heart feels good and my spirit feels rejuvenated when I see this video....I of course cry because that is what I do for every emotion...this one gets me though because it shows how things are wonderful if you let them......there is good in the world.  Let your light shine!!!

I think of my precious butterfly who has found her light...not in our world... but in an amazingly beautiful place where we will meet again.

"Spread your wings and fly pretty little butterfly"

Thursday 6 September 2012


One of my favorite childhood memories is that of the "Doodleart". I was about 9 years old and our family was living in Grande Prairie. I come from a large family and there was always someone extra living with us as well. There was always a place for whoever needed a somewhere to live. It was a busy house but one where alot of memories were formed for me. One of those memories was the Rainforest Doodleart which was laid out on the dining room table waiting for anyone to come along and color a leaf, a bird or a flower. Many hours were spent on that poster and I can still picture it so vividly in my mind. It was not an activity that was just for the little ones but it was for the big ones too....anyone who wanted to contribute. It brought us together taking part in creativity. Creativity has a way of doing that.....

The other day I was in a bookstore looking for a card and I came across a "Doodleart"!!! and not just any Doodleart but a Butterfly Doodleart. My friend Angele at work said to me the other day "Katherine it is like the butterflies flock to you.....everywhere we go there they are". There was no hesitation...that Doodleart was coming home with me. I started it today and know that it will take many hours to complete but the time spent on it will be relaxing, calming and centering for me. There is so much technology out there and there will only be more to come. Purchasing the Doodleart brings me back to my childhood to reflect on the memories and to do something that seems to be a lost art.....It's old school and it feels really good to do something that perhaps went out decades ago.

I will always be attracted to butterflies while I continue to protect the memories of my precious butterfly angels...perhaps this is God's way of saying they are O.K.......The other day I had a moment where nothing seemed real and then I realized that it was.......I know that will happen from time to time.... Things change, people change and our lives change...not always like a pretty picture but everything has a way of coming back in a different way to help us. It's the same but ways to experience the experience in a different time.....create new memories.....

Wednesday 22 August 2012

At the right moment

I was recently in a bookstore with my sister in law Cheryl while vacationing in Invermere, B.C. We were each looking for specific books for our own specific life journeys. I saw a book that I read everyday and recommended it to Cheryl. As I was explaining it to her a woman walked by and said "I have that book, it is fabulous and it seems to always pertain to the moment in which I am reading it".

The book is called "The Book of Awakening"  - Having the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You Have...written by Mark Nepo. In the Foreword of the book it says "Mark had cancer, and it shook him awake. His desent into illness gave birth to an astonishing mindfulness. Now he invites us to use his eyes and heart to see and feel how awake our being alive can be. Having survived his cancer, Mark is grateful simply to breathe. But more than gratefulness he brings wisdom, clarity, kindness, and a passionate enthusiasm for sucking the marrow out of moments, out of the bones of time.

I am going to share today's excerpt as it pertains to this moment in time for me and what I have recently been writing about.

"A friend was traveling around Europe, training from city to city. Despite her plans, her interest drew her in different directions, and a path unfolded that she couldn't have foreseen. Each point of discovery led to the next, as if some logic out of view were guiding her. During this phase of her journey, though she often wasn't sure where she was, she never felt lost. It was when she needed to arrive at a certain station at a certain time that she felt she was off course, astray, and at a fringe of where she was supposed to be. 
All this led her to realize that the more narrow her intentions on any one given day, the more she felt behind, late, and lost. In contrast, the wider her net of designs, the more often she felt a sense of discovery. Regardless of where she had to be, it seemed that the more open to possibility and change she was, the more she felt like every moment she came upon was holding a treasure she was supposed to find.
Of course, there will always be times that we need to find our very precise way. But more often than not, our image of a destination is only a starting point that we cling to needlessly. When we can free up our sense of needing to arrive in a certain place, we lessen the weight of being lost. And once, beneath arriving and beneath our fear of failing to arrive, the real journey begins."

This basically sums up me at this moment. I am going to open my heart completely....I am going to write, and write and write....perhaps create some new jewelry or even paint...I am going to do what feels right at the moment. I trust and have faith in the path that has been quietly chosen for me. I will discover it for myself when I am meant to.  

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Amazing inspiration

I follow this blog on my Facebook and today I read this story which made me cry. The words that flowed enabling the story to be told exactly the way that it needed to be were extremely touching. 

I recently wrote about how I wasn't sure what to write.....This story came at the precise moment that I needed it made me realize that I don't need to think so much about what I feel that I should write. I need to write from my heart and let my fingers form the words on the keypad. I have thoughts and experiences and inspirations that I would love to share.....I need to stop thinking "Well what if it's not interesting and what if nobody reads it" I need to undo the ties that hold me down and feel free to go forward with whatever it is that I enjoy doing at the time. I love the jewelry making, I love to take pictures, and I love to research new crafts. It's time now to go for it...put myself out there...take a risk and let go.

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Tuesday 14 August 2012


It has been a while since I have written and I could say that it is because it is summer and we have been busy. That would be partly true...we have had a busy wonderful summer doing everything that summer brings. We have gone on a couple of awesome vacations, enjoyed the many activities Edmonton has to offer and spent time with family and friends. My son recently turned 6....another year has passed and a new chapter is about to begin. He starts Grade 1 in 2 weeks which I find hard to accept at times...he was just a baby not so long ago!

The main reason I have not written is because I have not known what to say. I am feeling a bit "lost" in my creativity and life journey. I have had a knot of creativity in my heart for so many years waiting to bust out and make it's presence known...I can feel it trying so desperately to appear. 

I have been making jewelry, which I truly enjoy but don't quite know if it is "my passion"....I know it was one of Kari's passions.  I made pieces I hoped would reflect why I had started, which was to keep Kari close to me. I felt her spirit with me the minute I put the first bead on that string. I don't want to lose that feeling and I am scared that if the jewelry making doesn't continue that I will lose that connection......Totally silly to say I know but a feeling none the less. I have never known exactly what my passion is....I joke that I don't know what I want to be when I grow up! I truly wish I did. I have grown in so many ways, personally, professionally and spiritually and I do hope that the butterfly emerges from it's cocoon and shows me the flight path.....

I have a solar butterly light in my garden which I have never seen work. The other night when I went to bed I asked Kari to visit as I really was needing that. The next night after Anthony's birthday party Tony and I sat in the backyard to unwind. I told Tony about my wish and he said "Well I think she heard you". He pointed to the garden and the butterfly light was shining so bright...flickering red, then and yellow. It was a heart warming scene and "I thank you Kari" xox

I will continue with the jewelry because I do love it....perhaps Kari will throw me an idea that I will be able to say "That's it!"...

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