Wednesday 19 October 2011

I found this beautiful silver butterfly pendant and thought it would make a beautiful necklace. It's heavy and chunky and I thought it would be a great fun piece. It took me 2 days to get to this point. I tried a few different combinations of beads, other pendants and stringing materials. I sat and stared at it in each of it's stages and envisioned what it could be.....I asked my husband for his opinion but when he didn't appear to like it I said "really...I do!" after staring at it again and taking his thoughts into consideration I started over.....I thought the pink ribbon was a pretty touch but it wasn't enough.  
The addition of the black cord gives it a heavier look while still remaining soft. Now the task of figuring out to add the clasp. It may take another 2 days but it will happen. Everything always has a way of working out...sometimes not the way we want it to or when we want it to but it does happen if we have faith in the process.

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