Monday 7 May 2012

Run Wild 2012

Saturday afternoon I charged my iPod in preparation for the run on Sunday morning. When it was finished I let Anthony listen to it as he done so many times in the past. Later on I asked him where it was..."I don't know Mamma"...really??? We scoured my tiny where to be found!...really??? I thought of my Mother and how she prays to St Anthony, the Patron Saint of lost items. Perhaps this Anthony knew where it was. Nope.....Not much I could do..had to let it go. I was obviously not meant to listen to my running music while I was running. Sunday morning I woke up with my kidney pains...really??? then I had a nervous stomach...really??? I had a hearty breakfast got my running gear on and Tony, Anthony and I left for St. Albert. It was an absolutely beautiful sunny, crisp morning.  

I was feeling overwhelmed...but I was ready. I was here...and I was going to run 10 km!!

Little man walked me to the starting I went. I know why I wasn't meant to listen to my music...I was meant to be in tune with the moment, my surroundings, the people along side me and mostly with myself. It was time to do something completely by myself for myself...and I did it!!! I did it in 1:05:06...almost 2 minutes better than last year. 
I know my pretty little butterflies were with me too xox

With all of the glitches before the race...they were minor in the grand scheme of things.

When things get rough and you think that there are forces at work putting obstacles in your path..remember it is most likely yourself...... Let love carry you through......

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